By: June M. Chewning MA
Course Description:
Fine tune and expand your basic assessment skills. This multimedia course takes you through the basics of resting heart rate, resting blood pressure (video included), height, and weight measurement. Read descriptions and view video clips to locate and measure ten skinfold sites and nine body circumferences. Formulas and equations for Jackson/Pollock and a seven-site body composition, BMI, and calculations for recommended weight ranges. Build your knowledge and confidence to retain your clients with accurate basic assessment options.
Education Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Successful completion of the quiz is necessary to receive Continuing Education Credit.
Approved for:
0.4 | Action Personal Trainer Certification |
4.0 | American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) |
0.4 | American Kinesiotherapy Association (COPS-KT) |
2.0 | National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) |
0.5 | National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) |
4.0 | National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA) |
4.0 | YMCA |